Meet Travis

atlearning founder

While I loved working as a teacher and principal, I became passionate about solving the problems in learning that most people glanced over. This is why training, coaching, and fostering an educational community became my areas of expertise.

While working in education on four continents and five countries for over 20 years I have learned from the world’s best practices and the diverse perspectives of great educators, leaders, and learning designers. Now I am blessed to work with an incredibly talented and experienced team helping schools and districts excel like never before.

Meet atlearning

Our team is comprised of diverse group of people with incredible educational experiences. We believe that we learn better when everyone is included, made to feel safe and supported, and when the best practices of teaching, learning, and curriculum design are put into place. Working to support you and your educational needs is who we are.

We can help.

Up your game

There is a reason why the best athletes have coaches, we can always get better. Working with one of our coaches will support you in being your best you.

Bring clarity and direction

Data is everywhere and is not going away. We specialize in reviewing and gathering data and making it both understandable and actionable.

Make the best course

Curriculum, course, and instructional design are not for everyone, but we love it! From starting with an idea to completing the course, we do it all.